Regni Mexicani seu Novæ Hispaniæ, Ludovicianæ, N. Angliæ, Carolinæ, Virginiæ et Pensylvaniæ, necnon insvlarvm archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali, Homann

Central America Antique Maps, Rare Maps, Charts and Atlases, and Old World Maps

Antique maps, vintage maps, rare maps, charts and atlases of the Central America.

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Charte Von Nord America, C.G. Reichard, Weimar
Nova Totius Americae Descriptio. Auct. F. de. WitNova Totius Americae Descriptio. Auct. F. de. Wit
AMÉRIQUE, Réduite d'après celle d'ArrowsmithAMÉRIQUE, Réduite d'après celle d'Arrowsmith
Americae Mappa Generalis Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas...,
Adolphine Trinchant 1844 World AtlasAdolphine Trinchant 1844 World Atlas
Vues de quelques Caps et Îles de la Côte du Nord Ouest et des Côtes du Sud-Ouest et du Sud de l'Amérique.
L'Amerique autrement le Nouveau Monde et Indes Occidentales. Par P. du Val Geographe du RoyL'Amerique autrement le Nouveau Monde et Indes Occidentales. Par P. du Val Geographe du Roy
L'Amerique SeptentrionaleL'Amerique Septentrionale
Composite Folio World Atlas; Homann, Seutter, Lotter, Sandrart Title PagePlaniglobii Terrestris Cum Utroq Hemisphaerio Caelesti Cum Repraesentatio - World Hemispheres Map with Celestial Hemispheres - Homann
Executive Documents 1st Session, 31st Congress, Vol. 10 1849-1850. Ex. Docs. No. 74 to 87 Inclusive.Executive Documents 1st Session, 31st Congress, Vol. 10 1849-1850. Ex. Docs. No. 74 to 87 Inclusive., Example-1
L'Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en Ses Principaux Etats, Joseph de La Porte
Map of The United States Mexico &c. Showing the Various Land and Water Routes from the Atlantic Cities to California, J.H. Colton, Emma Willard, Example-1Map of The United States Mexico &c. Showing the Various Land and Water Routes from the Atlantic Cities to California, J.H. Colton, Emma Willard, Example-2
Carte Générale de l'Amérique Septentrionale.  Par M. Bonne, Ingénr. Hydrographe de la Marine. Fever. 1781Carte Générale de l'Amérique Septentrionale.  Par M. Bonne, Ingénr. Hydrographe de la Marine. Fever. 1781, details
America Borealis, America Ausralis, Scherer, Heinrich, California as an Island
L'Amerique Septentrionale, Le Rouge, George Louis
Mare Del Nord, Vincenzo Maria Coronelli, Venetia : Appresso Girolamo AlbrizziMare Del Nord, Vincenzo Maria Coronelli, Venetia : Appresso Girolamo Albrizzi, details
L'Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principaux Etats, Bertholon, Pierre. Paris
Regni Mexicani seu Novæ Hispaniæ, Ludovicianæ, N. Angliæ, Carolinæ, Virginiæ et Pensylvaniæ, necnon insvlarvm archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali, HomannRegni Mexicani seu Novæ Hispaniæ, Ludovicianæ, N. Angliæ, Carolinæ, Virginiæ et Pensylvaniæ, necnon insvlarvm archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali, Homann, example-1
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Occidental Contenant Partie des Costes d'Europe et d'Afrique, Bellin, Jacques Nicolas
L'America Settentrionale, Giacomo Giovanni RossiL'America Settentrionale, Giacomo Giovanni Rossi, example-1
Monk's New American Map Exhibiting the larger portion of North America; Embracing the United States and Territories, Mexico and Central America, including  the West India Islands, the Canadas, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, Monk, Jacob
Map of The Operations of The American Army in The Valley of Mexico,  Erhard Schiéble, Rose Joseph Lemercier
Colton's Map of The United States of America, The British Provinces, Mexico and the West Indies. Showing the Country from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to ascertain The Practicability of a Ship-Canal between The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, by the way of The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Robert W. Shufeldt, Captain United States NavyReports of Explorations and Surveys, to ascertain The Practicability of a Ship-Canal between The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, by the way of The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Robert W. Shufeldt, Captain United States Navy, example-1