World Antique Maps, Rare Maps, Charts and Atlases, and Old World Maps

World Antique Maps, Rare Maps, Charts and Atlases, and Old World Maps

Antique maps, vintage maps, rare maps, charts and atlases of the World.

Old world maps. Browse online to see photos and deals.

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The World, On Mercator's Projection
Geografia Universale del Padre Claudio BuffierGeografia Universale del Padre Claudio Buffier
Adolphine Trinchant 1844 World AtlasAdolphine Trinchant 1844 World Atlas
Allgemeiner AtlasAllgemeiner Atlas
Smith's Quarto, or Second Book in Geography. Concise and Practical System of GeographySmith's Quarto, or Second Book in Geography. Concise and Practical System of Geography
Mitchell's School Atlas 1846Mitchell's School Atlas 1846
Atlas Designed to Illustrate The Abridgement of Universal GeographyAtlas Designed to Illustrate The Abridgement of Universal Geography
Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas of The World with DescriptionsJohnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas of The World with Descriptions
Mappe-monde Dressée pour l'Étude de la Géographie
Die Oestliche und Westliche Halbkugel der Erde, Weiland, Karl Ferdinand, C. Metzeroth
La Mappe-Monde ou le Globe Terrestre Représenté en deux Hémisphères, Eustache Hérisson, Basset
Mappe-Monde En Deux Hemispheres, L'Oriental Et L'Occidental Bonne, Rigobert (1727-1794)
La Geografia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino, Gia tradotta di Greco in Italiano da Giero. Russcelli,GirolamoLa Geografia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino, Gia tradotta di Greco in Italiano da Giero. Russcelli,Girolamo, example-1
Die erst General Tafel / Die Beschreibung und den Circkel des gantzen Erdcrichs und Meeres innhaltende, Sebastian Munster
Mappe-Monde en deux Hemispheres Par L. Vivien Geographe, Gravé par Firaldon - Bovinet, Paris, Chez Ménard et Desenne, Giraldon-Bovinet
Le Globe Terrestre Represente En Deux Plans Hemispheres, Jacques Chiquet
Tutte Le Strade Conducono a Roma, "Chocolate Firm/Factory Talmone-Unica
Michele Talmone"
Atlas du Voyage de La Pérouse Autour du Monde, La PerouseAtlas du Voyage de La Pérouse Autour du Monde, La Perouse, example-1
Sudliche und Noerdliche Halbkugel der ErdeThe Southern and Northern Hemispheres of the Earth, Weiland, C.F.
A Map of The World, National Geographic
Hammond's International Map of The World on Mercator's Projection
Johnson's Map Showing Physiographic Characteristics of various subjects. A.J. Johnson Johnson's Map Showing Physiographic Characteristics of various subjects. A.J. Johnson Back
Decouvertes Maritimes Possessions Coloniales des Espagnols et des Portugais, Charles Perigot
Mappemonde en Deux Hemispheres, Conrad Malte-Brun