L'Amerique Septentrionale

Year Published: 1708

L'Amerique Septentrionale

Sale price$1,200.00
SKU: 1635


A very important and interesting map of North America  by De L'Isle during the times when the true nature of California as an Island or a Peninsula was still not settled.

This is the sixth state of this map and was published c. 1708 as described by The Antiquarium on their site:
State 1
Mouth of Mississippi at 281° longitude from the Ferro Meridian. Cartouche lists address as Rue des Cannettes.

State 2
Mouth of Mississippi at 284° longitude. Cartouche lists address as Rue des Cannettes.

State 3
Address changed to Quai de l’Horloge a la Cour/ de Diamans. 

State 4
c. 1707
Se trouve a Amsterdam Chez L. Renard Libraire/ prz de la Bourse added below title cartouche [Louis Renard contracted to distribute De L’Isle’s maps in Amsterdam].

State 5
c. 1708
Address shortened to Quai de l’Horloge. 

State 6
c. 1708
Removal of Renard’s imprint below title cartouche [Expiration of Renard’s distribution contract].

State 7
Premr. Geographe du Roy added to title [reflecting Guillaume’s elevation to Royal Geographer].

Reference of 7 States of this map:
theantiquarium site for the products described as lamerique-septentrionale-de-lisle-1700-c-1708


L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences


Guillaume De l'Isle


Paris: Guillaume DeLisle, Quai de l'Horloge


Atlas de Geographie


27.25 X 21.25


Fine with overall toning and minor staining. Map has been professionally washed and deacidified. See photos for details.

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