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Cram's Superior Map of New York, George F. CramCram's Superior Map of New York, George F. Cram, details
Crescent City Harbor California U.S. Coast Survey
Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III.Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III.
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D No. 3 Wimble Shoals Coast of North Carolina U.S. Coast Survey
D No. 4, Gulf Stream Explorations, U.S. Coast Survey
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D No. 4, Gulf Stream Explorations U.S. Coast Survey
Danubii fluminis pars infima, in qua Transylvania, Walachia, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Servia, Romania et Bessarabia, Homann, Johann Baptist
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Dated Events War Map, Stanley Turner
Decouvertes Maritimes Possessions Coloniales des Espagnols et des Portugais, Charles Perigot
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Deep Sea Soundings in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea U.S. Coast SurveyDeep Sea Soundings in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, U.S. Coast Survey
Delicate Flight, Relief Rolled Etching, 122 of 200 Limited Edition. James L. ValentineDelicate Flight, Relief Rolled Etching, 122 of 200 Limited Edition. James L. Valentine, details
Destruction Island Washington Territory Reconnaissance U.S. Coast Survey
Détroit De Magellan, avec les Plans des principaux Ports, Bayes &c. de ce Détroit. Par M. Bonne, Ingénieur-Hydrographie de la Marine
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Diagram accompanying Map in Sixteen Sheets, of the Tennessee River U.S. Coast Survey
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Diagram Exhibiting the difference of time relative to Washington A.J. Johnson
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Diagram of the State of Missouri 1850, Clark, M. Lewis, Surveyor General
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Diagrams Showing the relation between the Channel & the Tidal Movement of Delaware Bay and River U.S. Coast Survey
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Diagrams to illustrate the Secular Variation in the Magnetic Declination, U.S. Coast Survey
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Diagrams to illustrate the Secular Variation in the Magnetic Declination U.S. Coast Survey
Die erst General Tafel / Die Beschreibung und den Circkel des gantzen Erdcrichs und Meeres innhaltende, Sebastian Munster
Die Oestliche und Westliche Halbkugel der Erde, Weiland, Karl Ferdinand, C. Metzeroth
Die Staaten von Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana & Alabama. 1850. United States of North America, Meyer, Joseph
Die Staaten von Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky & Tennessee 1850, United States of North America, Meyer, Joseph
Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-America entworfen und gezeichnet von C. F. Weiland, Weimar