Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III.
Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III.
Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III.
Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III.


Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III.

Sale price$625.00
SKU: 1266


This is an interesting and striking set of three maps of a section of the Rhine River in Germany.


Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III. Sectionbus Exhibitus, á Domino G. de l Isle, Geogr. Par. Editus Nunc Multis Modis Auctior et Emendatior Redditus, per Homannianos Heredes, Noribergae. Sectio I. seu Inferior., in qua videre est part. Elect. Colon. Mogunt. Una cum parte Mosellae et Moeni nec non Vederoviae, Com. Catimelib. Hanov. Spanh. &c.

The map shows the river and surrounding areas from Strasbourg towards Mainz and up to Bonn. Parts of Baden and the Duchy of Würtemberg are also shown.


Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III. Sect. Exhibitus, á D. G. de l Islio Editus Primum Emendatior & Auctior Reddit, per Homann. Heredes, Sectio II. seu Media., quae continet part. Elect. Palat. Duc. Bipont. Alsatiae Infer. Comit. Rhingraf. Duc. Wurtemb. March. Badens

The map shows the river and surrounding areas from Strasbourg towards Philippsburg and up to Worms.


Cursus Rheni á Basilea Usque ad Bonnam III. Sect. Exhibit'g a D.G. de L'Islio Editus Primum, Nunc Emendatior & Auctior Reddit'g Per Homann. Hered. Sectio III. Seu Superior. In qua sistitur maxima pars Alsatiae, Brisgoviae una cum alijs Sueviae Tractibus consinibus.

The map shows the river and surrounding areas from Waldshut towards Basel via Neu-Breisach and on to Strassburg. Also shown are parts of Baden and the Black Forest, Elsas in the West, and the Duchy of Würtemberg in the northeast.


NOTE: The 3 Sheets are shown stitched together digitally for illustrative purposes only. 1266-1267-1402


See the Description section for the titles of each of the three sheets in the set.


Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724


Homann Heirs, Norimbergae


ATLAS mapparum geographicarum generalium & specialium CENTVM FOLIIS compositum et quotidianis usibus accommodatum accedit Introductio in Geographiam mathematicam, naturalem & historicam.


25 X 21


Excellent with minor overall toning as can be seen in the photos.