Carte Itinéraire et Politique D'Europe d'après les derniers traités de paix, avec les Plans des principales villes d'Europe.. Map of Europe, Russia with 13 inset maps of major cities. Maire, Simonneau 1818

Mainland Europe Antique Maps, Rare Maps, Charts and Atlases, and Old World Maps

Antique maps, vintage maps, rare maps, charts and atlases of Mainland Europe.

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Ducatus Brabantiae Nova Tabula in qua Lovannii Bruxellarum March S. Imperii Sylvae Ducis et Mechliniae Dominia, Homann, Johann Baptist
Praefectura Generalis & Comitatus Provinciae, una cum Terris adjacentibus in suas Dioceses & Praeturas subdivisus, Homann, Johann Baptist
Comitatus Hannoniae in suas quasque Ca'Stellanias Balliviatus Praefecturas et Territoria, Homann, Johann Baptist
Turkey in Europe and Hungary; from the best Authorities, Carey, W. Barker
Europe & The Near East, Russian & Polish Boundaries, National Geographic
ADSEC in Action from Thames to Rhine, Artwork by ADSEC Engineers Sec. SCT. John Ciofalo, PFC Cliff. HelstromADSEC in Action from Thames to Rhine, Artwork by ADSEC Engineers Sec. SCT. John Ciofalo, PFC Cliff. Helstrom, details
Kreis-Karte von Lauban, M. Strabel, lithographed by Franz WeingartnerKreis-Karte von Lauban, M. Strabel, lithographed by Franz Weingartner, detail
Provincia, Auctore Petro Joanne Bompario, Johannem BlaeuProvincia, Auctore Petro Joanne Bompario, Johannem Blaeu
Classical Lands of The Mediterranean, National Geographic
Siege of Deventer 1578Siege of Deventer 1578 Back
Le Plan de Paris, ses Faubourgs et ses Environs, Matthäus Seutter
Johnson's Sweden and Norway. Johnson's Denmark with Sleswick & Holstein A.J. Johnson Johnson's Sweden and Norway. Johnson's Denmark with Sleswick & Holstein A.J. Johnson Back
Johnson's France, Spain & Portugal A.J. Johnson Johnson's France, Spain & Portugal A.J. Johnson Back
Johnson's Austria, Turkey in Europe, and Greece A.J. Johnson
Johnson's Switzerland A.J. Johnson Johnson's Switzerland A.J. Johnson Back
Johnson's Holland and Belgium A.J. Johnson Johnson's Holland and Belgium A.J. Johnson Back
Chart of the Road of Bas with the Entrances of the rivers of St. Pol and Morlaix, William FadenChart of the Road of Bas with the Entrances of the rivers of St. Pol and Morlaix, William Faden Detail
France - North Centre, Lowry, Joseph Wilson, The Dispatch Atlas
Austrian Dominions, A. & C. Black, Bartholomew
France in Provinces, A. & C. Black, Bartholomew