Special Maps

Special Maps

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Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination on the coast of the United States for the year 1850
Map of Comparison of Maffitt's Channel Charleston Harbor
Sketch J No. 3 Showing the Progress of the Survey of Washington Sound and Vicinity
Sketch J No. 2 Showing the Progress of the Survey on the Western Coast of The United States Sections X & XI From 1850 to 1855
Preliminary Chart of Hudson River New-York From Teller's Point to The Mouth
Sketch F No. 2 Showing the progress of the Survey of the Florida Reefs 1849 - 1855
Sketch B Showing the Progress of the Survey in Section No. II From 1844 to 1855
D No. 4, Gulf Stream Explorations
Sketch Showing the Progress of the Survey in Section XI (Upper Sheet). Coast of Oregon and Washington Territory from Tillamook Bay to Boundary
Sketch Showing the Progress of the Survey in Section VI. East Coast of Florida, Halifax River to Cape Canaveral
Sketch Showing the Progress of the Survey in Section X (Upper Sheet). Coast of California from Tomales Bay to the Oregon line, and Section XI (Lower Sheet), Coast of Oregon, from the California line to Tilllamook Bay
Sketch Showing the Progress of the Survey in Section III and IV. Primary Triangulation between Maryland and Georgia baseline (southern part)
Sketch Showing the Progress of the Survey in Section X (Middle Sheet). Coast of California from Point Sal to Tomales Bay
Map of the General Progress (Western Part)
Sketch Showing the Progress of the Survey in Section VI. East Coast of Florida, Amelia Island to Halifax River
Sketch Showing the Progress of the Survey in Section III and IV. Primary Triangulation between Maryland and Georgia baseline (Northern Part)
Showing the Progress of the Survey in Section No. III From 1843 to 1879
Sketch Showing the Progress of the Survey in Section II and III. Primary Triagulation between Long Island and the Blue Ridge
Map of the General Progress (Eastern Part)
ADSEC in Action from Thames to RhineADSEC in Action from Thames to Rhine
Rockport Harbor Massachusetts
Preliminary Chart of Portsmouth Harbor New HampshirePreliminary Chart of Portsmouth Harbor New Hampshire
Gloucester Harbor Massachusetts
Harbors of Black Rock and Bridgeport