Boston Harbor Massachusetts


Boston Harbor Massachusetts

Sale price$550.00
SKU: 261


This is a very highly detailed chart of Boston Harbor, Massachusetts.  This chart shows incredible and significantly more inland and coastal detail than almost all other Coast Survey charts.  Starting at Scituate Harbor to the SE of Massachusetts Bay, up into Boston Bay and Broad Bay, and ending at Nahant Bay and Lynn Harbor in the north.  The chart shows detailed roads, towns, cities, buildings, property/farm boundaries, topographical features (hachures and shading), lakes, ponds, rivers, piers, railroads, lighthouses, etc.  Extensive depth soundings, bathymetric shading, aids and hazards to navigation, buoys, beacons, ranges, bearings, rocks, islands, shoals, landings, channels, bottom conditions, etc, show the coastal details.  Lengthy notes provide sailing directions and dangers to the mariner.  Tidal information is also given, including currents, lighthouse details, and other remarks. Along the bottom are seven elevation views showing the land from various approaches. Some towns and cities shown in detail are Boston, Cambridge, Charlestown, Roxbury, Dorchester, Medford, Milton Mill's Village, Quiney Village, Old Spain, and Hingham. This is the revised edition of the 1863 chart from the original 1857 publication.
Rare heavy paper, thick paper issue.


Boston Harbor Massachusetts, From a Trigonometrical Survey under the direction of A.D. Bache Superintendent of the Survey of The Coast of The United States


U.S. Coast Survey


U.S. Coast Survey


Separately issued Thick-Paper edition.


36 X 28


Very good, with overall toning , some staining, and slight wear from use and storage as is typical, folds from storing folded. See photos for details.