HEMISPAERIUM COELI BOREALE Antique Celestial Map Chart. Homann, Johann Baptista, Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr.


HEMISPHÆRIUM COELI BOREALE in quo Fixarum loca secundum Eclipticæ ductum ad añum 1730 completum exhibentur ã operà Ioh. Baptistæ Homanni Ioh. Gabriele Doppelmaiero Mathem. P.P. Acad. Imp. Leop. Car. Nat. Curios. Nec non Reg. Scient. Acad. Borus. Socio...

Sale price$1,400.00
SKU: 903


This map is a striking and beautifully illustrated celestial chart of the constellations visible from the Northern Hemisphere in 1730 (northern firmament, north ecliptic pole to ecliptic). The constellations include Virgo, Leo, Gemini, Ursa Major, Aries, Libra, and Sagittarius and portions of Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer, and many other celestial features, all labeled and allegorically depicted.

The corners of the chart depict the astronomical observatories of the time; Tycho Brahe at Hven (a famous Danish Astronomer), the Paris Observatory, the (Johann) Hevelius Observatory at Danzig, and the Eimmart at Nuremberg.


HEMISPHÆRIUM COELI BOREALE in quo Fixarum loca secundum Eclipticæ ductum ad añum 1730 completum exhibentur ã operà Ioh. Baptistæ Homanni Ioh. Gabriele Doppelmaiero Mathem. P.P. Acad. Imp. Leop. Car. Nat. Curios. Nec non Reg. Scient. Acad. Borus. Socio | Sac. Cæs. Maj. Geogra. Norimberge


Drawn by Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr.


Homann, Johann Baptista


Atlas Coelestis Novus


24 X 21


Excellent with only minor stain on the very extreme lower right margin. Rich impression and original hand coloring. See photos for details.