Biblia, Dat is, Die Gantsche Heylige Schrifture, Vervattende Alle de Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments.
Biblia, the Gantsche Heylige Scriptures, containing all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments. By the burden of the High Mog. Heeren Staten Generael Vande United Netherlands […] - Leyden, Widow and Heirs Johan. Elzevier, 1663 - first and only Elzevier edition - Old Testament + New Testament + Apocrypha - (42) + 469 + (26) + 167 + (4) + 78 p. - leather binding with blind stamping on oak boards and brass clasps: spine with strong ribs - Folio. 43 x 30 x 12 cm.
Condition: fine / excellent - very neat binding with very solid nips; very neat, compact and sturdy block; very neat and white pages! (very light moisture spot at the top in the first margin and at the bottom of the last margin, small moisture spot in the bottom corner, two maps on the side a bit frayed). Completely.
Complete with all 6 maps with original margins by Nicolaes Visscher:
- Werelt Caert ('Orbis Terrarum')
- Occasion Paradys
- Veertich-Iarige Reyse
- Jerusalem
- The Promised Lands Canaan
- Reysen Paulic
Maps are very detailed, sharp and dark prints.
Only and first edition of this special edition of the Bible.
A so-called 'Elzevier Bible' and popular because it is the first Dutch Bible edition in legible Roman letter (instead of the then common Gothic letter).
This edition has a particularly stylish typography. With beautifully decorated capitals and ornaments and the often missing 6 geographical maps by Nicolaes Visscher.
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