Nord America entworfen und gezeichnet von C.F. Weiland, Weimar im Verlage des Geograph: Institiuts 1830


Nord America entworfen und gezeichnet von C.F. Weiland, Weimar im Verlage des Geograph: Institiuts 1830

Sale price$355.00
SKU: 427


Scarce map of North America, published shortly before Texas declared its independence from Mexico.

This map also includes significant revisions in British Columbia attributable to the explorations and discoveries made by the Northwest Company and Hudson's Bay Company in the region.

The map is remarkably detailed, especially in the West. Texas is not yet named. Northwest of Texas, there is a significant amount of Indian and topographical details, more so than on most maps of the period. Oregan Territory includes the details from Lewis & Clark, the Astorians, and other early explorations in the region, along with lots of Indian details.

The map includes fine detail in Neu (Upper) California, including the Missions, mythical rivers, but pre-dates the 1834 appearance of Russian Settlements near San Francisco on the map. Highly details NW Coast of America, including American, British and Russian settlements and forts, Indian Tribes, etc. Nice detail in Alaska, which is called "Nordlicher Polar Kreis." Massive Northwest and Missouri Territories shown.

The Rocky Mountains extend north nearly MacKenzie River. A portion of hte Arctic coastline is still unknown in Alaska and to the west of Hudson Bay.


Nord America entworfen und gezeichnet von C.F. Weiland, Weimar im Verlage des Geograph: Institiuts 1830


C.F. Weiland





21.5 X 27.5


VG to VF, slight overall toning, see photos for details.