Circuli Franconiae Pars Orientalis et Potior novissime delineata quam Illustrissimis Generosissimis ac Exellentissimis


Circuli Franconiae Pars Orientalis et Potior novissime delineata quam Illustrissimis Generosissimis ac Exellentissimis

Sale price$185.00
SKU: 1269


This is a beautiful and striking example of Homann's map of Franconia, a portion of Bavaria in southern Germany.  The map is beautifully hand-colored in outline and wash as published.  The map extends from the Danube River in the southeast near Regenspurg (Regensburg) north past Nuremberg and on to Coburg.  The map shows relief, forests, towns, castles, fortifications, churches, and other information pictorially. A decorative cartouche is in the upper right, with legends in both lower corners.  Additionally, there is a secondary title in German across the top just outside of the neatline.


Circuli Franconiae Pars Orientalis et Potior novissime delineata quam Illustrissimis Generosissimis ac Exellentissimis,
"Erster und gröster Theil des gantzen Hochlöb. Franckischen Craisses in welchem die Bisthumer Bamberg, Würtzburg und Aichstett, die Marggr. Culmbach und Onoltzbach das Hertzogt. Coburg, Fürstent. Schwartzenberg, Graffsch. Hohenlo, Castel, Limburg und Seinsheim, das Nürnbergische Gebiet und die Halffte der angrenzenden Obern Pfaltz mit vorgestellt werden."


Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724


Homann Heirs, Norimbergae, [1762]


ATLAS mapparum geographicarum generalium & specialium CENTVM FOLIIS compositum et quotidianis usibus accommodatum accedit Introductio in Geographiam mathematicam, naturalem & historicam.


20.5 X 24.25


Excellent with minor overall toning as can be seen in the photos.